
8 Signs You`re Ready to Submit Your Proposal

My years of experience have made it easy to spot the signs of grant writers who are ready to submit, as well as grant writers who are better off waiting. Anxious grant writers frequently contact me for proposal content reviews, and the situation presented to me most often is the following scenario. My tenure depends… read more


11 Questions You Must Ask Before You Write

Before considering writing a grant proposal, several crucial steps need to take place. These all drive a proactive approach to ensure you are eligible, qualified, and ready to design your project. Most importantly, create a timeline for implementation of each of the following steps: Is your idea part of a strategic plan? If you are… read more

Free Tool

Your Most Helpful Tool: The Logic Model

(scroll down to download fillable logic model tool) Outcomes and evaluation are key components in today’s proposal requests. Using a logic model will ensure you properly demonstrate these elements, thus giving you the best chance of being funded. Donors want clarification of the relationship between their investments and the activities, outputs, and anticipated outcomes of… read more


Optimism Will Get You Funded

The power of optimism is a huge advantage when seeking funding. A positive outlook sets the stage for your entire grant application, and donors will notice! You must believe that you will obtain the necessary funds for the important idea you wish funded. Addressing the details about what you will do in positive and optimistic… read more


8 Grant Writing Myths Holding You Back

In my many years of teaching about the world of grants, I have come across eight recurring myths that can derail your proposal writing efforts. When I began writing proposals, I too sometimes felt lost. I knew though that I needed to win grants to be able to creatively enhance the lives of others, and… read more

STEM education

America’s STEM Education Problem

The World Economic Forum ranks the United States 52nd in the world for math and science education quality. If that weren’t bad enough, according to the Committee on STEM Education, only 16 percent of American high school seniors are proficient in mathematics and interested in STEM careers. What are we doing wrong? According to Professor… read more


Prepare for Rejection

Above All, Don’t Get Discouraged You are not alone. Even seasoned researchers have only a 50 percent chance of winning a grant. If you are new to grant writing, the success rate is much lower. Statistically, new grant writers submit between 2.2 – 3 proposals before being funded. In some cases, the award rate might… read more

Beef Wellington

Writing a Grant is Like Preparing Beef Wellington

A great meal can be as complex to prepare as Beef Wellington, or as simple as roasted chicken. The same is true of writing a winning grant proposal. The grant writer, like the chef, must focus on ingredients, preparation, and presentation. For an epicurean presentation of Beef Wellington, a master chef with experience should be… read more

No One Has Your Back

No One Has Your Back: The Truth About Institutional Support

What would you do if faced with the choice of writing successful technical grants outside your area of expertise or losing your job? A participant in a recent workshop I taught told me she had worked as a secretary for many years, but her position recently shifted to accommodate proposal writing. She had never written… read more