
Profound Attack on US Education Funding

Just as US education outcomes have begun showing statistical improvement, the new budget cuts passed by the House and awaiting Senate approval, are an assault on education at all levels. The long term impact of these cuts on the K-12 levels will be felt especially by lower income students and families and underrepresented groups. Higher… read more


What the Trump Budget Means for Grant Funding

President Trump’s federal budget plan will mean stiffer competition for research, education, and humanities funding. Although the proposed budget will likely undergo changes before it is finalized, the stage has been set for potentially severe cuts. Specifically, the deepest proposed cuts are: Environmental Protection Agency (31% reduction), State Department (29% reduction), and the Department of… read more


Sources of Data to Build Your Argument

Citing authoritative sources in your proposal can greatly improve your chances of being funded. Data, statistics, and respected voices in the field will be your best means of persuasion. Multiple current and convincing sources of data will strengthen your argument. Some of the key sources for such data searches are listed below: Federal Sources Citations… read more

STEM education

Fixing America`s STEM Problem: Funding Opportunities

America is way behind in the STEM disciplines and if this is not reversed now, the U.S. will lose its economic strength. Fifty-one nations are more effectively teaching their students to compete in a technological society than the U.S. This makes educating America’s youth a national security priority. Given the urgency to educate U.S. students… read more

STEM education

America’s STEM Education Problem

The World Economic Forum ranks the United States 52nd in the world for math and science education quality. If that weren’t bad enough, according to the Committee on STEM Education, only 16 percent of American high school seniors are proficient in mathematics and interested in STEM careers. What are we doing wrong? According to Professor… read more